2022 PEACEMOMO EARLY WINTER COLLEGE – Youtube Video available(한국어 자막 제공)



In Northeast Asia with its regional, long, ongoing conflicts, military tension is newly and rapidly rising this year. With the fall-out of the war in Ukraine on the one hand, China reaffirmed “reunification of China” on the other to heighten military contest across the Taiwan Strait. Similar contest manifests at the sea between DPRK, Japan, and ROK. Following the new preemptive strike, massive retaliation, and extended deterrence boasted by the new Yoon government of ROK and facing the full-fledged joint exercise of ROK-US forces, DPRK tested a record-high number of ballistic missiles and guns in the last two months. Japan also showed her readiness to confront China, Russia, and DPRK by conducting several serious military drills with the US forces. The drills all included nuclear and preemptive capabilities.


Be it actual war preparations or just war games, does it open possible futures for us to live together? Does it contribute to securing our planetary lives? Does it help us in navigating in times of climate disaster, globalization of crisis, and the out-of-control arms race, toward a less violent and more peaceful future?


In the 2022 PEACEMOMO College, you are invited to join the community of peacebuilders and learners of peace to discuss and think about possible steps forward – in search of new windows of opportunity despite the coming complex crisis. 


Click the video below or visit PEACEMOMO Youtube channel:)


2022 모모평화대학 초겨울학기는 피스모모 평화/교육 연구소 이대훈 과 미국 퀘이커 봉사 위원회 북한 프로그램 디렉터 제니퍼 데이버트의 강의로 열렸습니다. 국내외 피스빌더들의 참여를 위해 녹화된 2개의 강의를 피스모모 유튜브 채널에서 보실 수 있습니다.  




English (한국어 자막 제공)



· Session 1

“Arms race, armed conflict, and prevention in NEA”

   by Francis D. Lee (Director, Trans-Education for Peace Institute (TEPI)) 




· Session 2

“The connection and opportunities for diplomacy and engagement”

  by Jennifer Deibert (DPRK Program Director, American Friends Service Committee(AFSC))