[Resource] 11 Things We Should Consider about Global Military Spending – for educators dedicated to peace





Greetings from PEACEMOMO and International Peace Bureau!

On the occasion of the 2021 Global Day of Action for Military Spending,we present to you a few interesting questions and possible responses.Are you worried about the climate crisis? Do you dream of a life freefrom COVID-19 and other insecurities? Are you concerned with wherewe have fallen short in ensuring life and happiness for all? Are youconcerned with education for peace that addresses all of these crucialquestions? Then this booklet is a must read, because weapons are notincluded in the list of necessities for ensuring a good life.







Greetings from PEACEMOMO and International Peace Bureau! 4

1. What do you mean by “military spending?” 5

2. How much are we spending? 6

3. Why so much? Why ever more? 9

4. Inevitable consequence? 11

5. What sustains the arms race? 13

6. Can we afford it? 15

7. Can we think of alternatives? 17

8. One way to protect? Or better ways to protect? 18

9. Security for everyone and for a common future? 20

10. What needs to be done to reduce military spending? 22

11. What can you do to stop it? 25

Useful disarmament-related websites 27

References 28