[USIP] Peacebuilding toolkit for educators_High School Edition


The purpose of this toolkit is not to tell students what to think; rather, we want to encourage students to think critically about the world around them and their place in it. It is our belief that the skills of peacebuilding presented in this toolkit are applicable at multiple levels. The tools that peer mediators use in middle school and high school conflict resolution programs are in many ways similar to some of the tools used by diplomats and heads of state in international peace negotiations. While international conflicts are often far more complex, the core skills of active listening, relationship building, and working cooperatively to find mutually agreeable solutions among parties apply at all levels.


United States Institute of Peace

2301 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20037


© 2011 by the Endowment of the United States Institute of Peace. All rights reserved.


First published 2011



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